Animal Nutrition Society of India

Download ANSI Life Membership Form 

Animal Nutrition Society of India

Subscriptions Rates

IJAN is supplied free of cost to members of ANSI Life Membership of Animal Nutrition Society of India


A person interested in the activities of the Society who pays a lumpsum fee of Rs. 4000/- could become Life Member of the Society. For students the life membership fee is Rs. 2500/- subject to production of a proof from his guide. A Life Member will have all the rights and privileges of an Ordinary Member. The Life Membership fee of Foreign Members for SAARC countries is US $ 100/- and NON-SAARC countries is US $ 100/-

S No Category Amount
1 Government and Public Institution Rs. 6000
2 Agents fees including postage ( 1 year) Rs. 7500
3 Benefactor members (for 10 years) Rs. 25000
4 Sustaining members (for 10 years) Rs. 25000
5 For SAARC countries USD 100 (postage extra)
6 For other countries UDS 100 (postage extra)

All application forms and other communication may be sent to the Secretary, Animal Nutrition Society of India, Department of Animal Nutrition, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana –141004, Punjab. Bank drafts should be drawn in favour of ‘Animal Nutrition Society of India’ payable at Karnal. Email:

Change of Address: It may be communicated to The Secretary as well as The Chief Editor.

The articles should be sent to Chief Editor using online facility given below. index.php/IJAN/about/submissions#online Submissions

Chief Editor welcomes books reviews, news items, etc. for publishing in the journal.

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