Few Words About Us
Dear Friends,
Animal Nutrition Society of India (ANSI) is an apex body of India for the animal nutrition research and its application on the farm/ field and feed industry, with regard to feeding of animals and laying of feeding standards for the different categories of livestock. As a registered society, ANSI functions closely with scientists, farmers, feed industries and is trying to bring these three functionaries at one forum to address the problems of feeding practices, feed resource generation and more importantly, the shortage of quality feeds for livestock. It has a motivational role for both, the scientists as well as the feed manufacturers to create newer innovations in feeds and feeding of animals.
The society regularly organizes Biennial Animal Nutrition Conferences (BANCs) and Annual Regional workshops (ARWs) in the different parts of the country. ANSI also publishes its Quarterly Journal, named “Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition” since 1983.
Presented herewith ANSI App, which we hope would emerge as a powerful tool for assimilation and dissemination of knowledge on all aspects of animal nutrition, animal feeding and to focus attention on various problems confronted by farmers and feed manufacturers regarding feeds and feeding.
“ANSI App” will continue to evolve in future to serve you in a better way. Please leave a positive feedback for this App on Google Play if you find it useful.
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Animal Nutrition Society of India (ANSI)

More About ANSI
Animal Nutrition Society of India (ANSI) came into existence under the umbrella of Lord Venkateshwara at Tirupati during Animal Nutrition Research Worker’s Conference held at the College of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, APAU, in 1982. Thereafter, the society grew exponentially over the years. It has assumed the role of an apex body for the animal nutrition research and its application on the farm/ field and feed industry, with regard to feeding of animals and laying of feeding standards for the different categories of livestock. Today, the society has about 1500 plus members coming from National Research Institutes, State Agricultural Universities, Feed Industries, Cooperatives, Corporate bodies, NGO’s, Private Institutions and abroad.
ANSI functions closely with scientists, farmers, feed industries and is trying to bring these three functionaries at one forum to address the problems of feeding practices, feed resource generation and more importantly, the shortage of quality feeds for livestock. It has a motivational role for both, the scientists as well as the feed manufacturers to create newer innovations in feeds and feeding of animals.
ANSI has emerged as a platform for the assimilation and dissemination of knowledge on all aspects of animal nutrition, animal feeding and to focus attention on various problems confronted by farmers and feed manufacturers regarding feeds and feeding. The society has been taking up the issues of evaluation, maintenance and monitoring of feed quality and is making all out efforts to focus attention on these aspects, as the feed quality is directly related to animal health, productivity and animal product quality.
The society regularly organizes Biennial Animal Nutrition Conferences (BANCs) and Annual Regional workshops (ARWs) in the different parts of the country. While the Regional workshops focus attention on regional problems faced by the farmers regarding the feeding of animals, the Biennial Conferences encompasses in totality upon different aspects of animal nutrition research and animal feeding, with especial reference to Ruminant and Non-ruminant Nutrition, Poultry and Fish as well as Pet Nutrition, emphasizing on Food Security, Environmental Protection and Poverty Alleviation.
Animal Nutrition Society of India is managed by an apex elected body of its Bonafide members, called Central Executive Committee (CEC), headed by the President and supported by Secretary, 5 regional Vice Presidents, other office bearers and Executive members. The eminent Animal Nutritionists of the country, like (late) Dr. SP Arora, Dr. K Pradhan, Dr. SK Ranjhan, Dr. N Balaraman, Dr. NN Pathak, Dr. TK Walli, Dr. KT Sampath, Dr. CS Prasad, Dr. SS Kundu, Dr. AK Tyagi and Dr. Udeybir Chahal have been its past presidents. Dr. RM. Acharya, former Deputy Director General (Animal Sciences), ICAR, has been the founder President of the society. Presently Dr APS Sethi is the President and Dr. Shivani Katoch is the Secretary of the new CEC elected in 2024.
The lifeline of the ANSI is the publication of its Triannual Journal, named “Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition”, managed by an elected Chief Editor and supported by the Editor and members of the Editorial Board.
The ANSI has organized 20 National/International conferences up to 2024. The latest 20th International Conference “ANSICON 2024″ was organized at TANUVAS, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 23-25 January 2024.